Rave adds anaerobic coffee to single origin range

Floral, tropical, bright and boozy, the latest addition to Rave’s selection of single origin coffee beans, Risaralda Community Project No. 126, employs the innovative anaerobic natural processing method to deliver an intense and unusual flavour profile that’s distinct from any other coffee on the market.

By fermenting the ripest, hand-harvested cherries in closed tanks without oxygen for up to 120 hours, the smallholders of the Risaralda Project are able to encourage the development of microorganisms like lactic bacteria and yeast, resulting in bold, new flavours without risking quality. This is followed by an intensive drying process for up to three weeks, before the beans are lightly roasted by the team at Rave to allow the coffee’s extraordinary flavour profile to shine through.

With tasting notes including melon, gooseberry and florals, this latest addition to the Rave range is a great example of what can be produced when exceptional coffee cultivation and skilful processing are combined.

All this has been achieved while giving back to both the environment and the people that work alongside it, as Rave continues to establish long-term partnerships with cooperatives to help improve the sustainability of farms and farming communities. 1% of all sales are also donated to environmental causes through Rave’s 1% for the Planet commitment, regardless of profit.

Rave Coffee’s Risaralda Community Project No. 126 will be available to purchase at ravecoffee.co.uk from Wednesday 8 September, priced at £9.05 for 250g or £30.75 for 1kg.
