Lunch steps up a gear as Tiffin Time bikes fuel and flavour direct to desks

Tiffin Time

Office workers in central Bristol can now enjoy clean, balanced and nutritious food delivered direct to their desks thanks to Tiffin Time, a unique new service transporting lunchtime meals by bicycle, kept warm inside compact and cosy tiffin tins. Inspired by the dabbawallas of Mumbai, who collect millions of hot meals from people’s wives every day and deliver them by bike to their place of work by lunchtime, owner and founder Katie Garden is now pioneering this healthy and sustainable approach to lunchtime in the UK.

From curry and quesadilla to shepherd’s pie and Spanish stew, Tiffin Time’s weekly changing menu takes inspiration from all over the world, using local and seasonal produce to deliver a lunchtime lift to Bristol’s workforce. Packed with colourful vegetables, slow release carbohydrates and protein, careful consideration is given to the composition of each and every meal, with nutrition and energy levels in mind. With community at the heart of Katie’s business, workers are encouraged to club together with colleagues to make an event of Tiffin Time, while all leftover food is channelled into local initiatives that deliver it to those in need.

Katie explains;

“While visiting Mumbai on my travels around India, I found myself captivated by the way that the dabbawalla network operates. Somehow in amongst the chaos of this incredibly busy city, office workers enjoy home-cooked food from their wives every day. What’s more, the use of tiffin tins means that there is minimal waste, as they are washed each night and reused. This got me thinking about lunchtimes back home, and how difficult it can be to get a warm, tasty and nutritious meal, let alone one without loads of packaging to throw away. I wanted to bring a new lunchtime concept to Bristol and hope to change people’s mind-sets about the importance of eating well and minimising our carbon footprint in the process. Just think of me as Bristol’s wife!”

Each meal is split between three tiffin tins, with a meaty or veggie main, accompanied by two side dishes, such as salad, vegetables and brown rice. The meaty option costs £6.50 and the veggie option costs £5.50, delivery is 50p and the tins are collected on the next delivery round.

For more information about Tiffin Time, please visit