Landlady conquers fears, taking on the Great Wall for a great cause

Great Wall

Following a week of intense hiking, sheer drops, crumbling crevices and only a block of wood to lay her head on at night, Jeanette Reid, co-owner of The Queens Arms in Corton Denham, Somerset, has completed her 76km hike along the Beijing province section of the Great Wall of China, raising over £5,250 for the NSPCC through Charity Challenge.

Inspired by the stunning countryside walks surrounding The Queens Arms pub and a desire to get fit before a significant birthday, Jeanette has been on quite a journey since the start of her training ten months ago, shedding six stone, conquering her fear of heights and collecting enough money to help over 1,500 children.

“With sections of the Great Wall appearing to be impassable at times and many more sheer drops and ladders than I’d expected, the trek pushed my willpower to its limits. Thankfully the thought of the money we were raising for the NSPCC kept me going – one careful step at a time! Having faced freezing temperatures, high winds and hazardous, overgrown sections of the Great Wall that were out of bounds to tourists, I feel a huge sense of achievement, but am delighted to be safely back in Corton Denham with my home comforts. One of our chef’s pork pies by the open fire was the perfect welcome home, but my own pillow was even better!”

explains Jeanette.

Those who would like to sponsor Jeanette can donate by visiting

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